伏雨朝寒悉不胜,那能还傍杏花行。去年高摘斗轻盈。漫惹炉烟双袖紫,空将酒晕一衫青。人间何处问多情。 ———— 纳兰容若
The Environment setting part will be skipped
Tips for Environment
- In Mac, we can finish all the env setting simply with brew install glfw,glm, etc, then add the framework and header search path in xcode.
The other thing is about include<> and include“”, the former one depends on the include directory, which is like the one in cmake include
Header Search Paths: #include <> dir // 当然,我的这个地方还是没有成功,只好安装在了我的homebrew目录下,这样就导致库不好使了
User Header Search Paths: #include “” dir
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